Saturday, July 19, 2008

The Binky Dilemma

Any advice would be appreciated....When do you rip these obnoxious pieces of plastic out of your child's mouth and throw them in the garbage. I have such mixed emotions when it comes to this issue. I still have my childhood blanket and Noa still sleeps with hers every night and I would never even consider taking a blanket away. However, this plastic pipe somehow seems different. It is used for comfort and in no way has hindered her speech but the sight of it in her mouth embarrasses me. Avery is only allowed to have her binky in her bedroom but it obviously sneaks out occasionally. Even she feels like she is too old for a pacifier. Will she outgrow it and when???


Michele said...

hi .... I was here visit the blogs and decided to leave you my HELLO! Kisses and hugs! Make me a visit too. Bye, Michele.

Sutter Family said...

She will outgrow it when she is ready. Your right you would never take away a fav. toy or blanket and it gives her comfort. Just restrict it to her room and move past the embarrassment. I am embarrassed that Kaleb is still in diapers and everyone says "LET IT GO!"

For Intimate Gatherings said...

I think you should be ashamed. Who heard of such a think? If I were incharge I would just spank her blue every time she put that evil thing in mouth. I like to associate pain with bad things, so that in the future she may develop a eating disorder or some sort of homicidale rage.

Susan said...

I'm having the same problem with Kate. When she starts preschool in the fall, they won't let her have a pacifier for naps. A friend told me to take her to Build A Bear and to make a bear and put the pacifier inside. Let me tell you - this is not a good plan. When we got home and it was nap time, she was literally trying to rip open the bear until I gave her another pacifier - yikes! So I feel your pain...

Sarah D said...

Okay, so I can't give advice as a mom, OBVIOUSLY, but I can give it as a former pacy (binky)addict. I remember the day it was taken away from me and I blew up. But, then I got over it and years later my parents spent about $2,000 for a retainer, then a few thousand more for braces. My advice as a former teacher is that the sooner you help her move on from this, the better for all involved! But she is really cute in that pic!!! Miss you guys!